Friends and Constituents,
It has been my great honor to serve the people of House District 51. Since being sworn in on January 10, 2024, I have worked to keep my promises to you. In my campaign of 2023, I said that we could not afford to negotiate away any more freedom. I urged you that Conservative Republicans must go on offense and warned that there is no more time for do-nothing politicians to continue doing nothing. I promised that I would go on the offense and do something as your House of Delegates representative in Richmond.
During my first year in session, I went on the offense! Here are some of the bills I supported:
HB 404 A bill prohibiting tax funded abortions
HJ 86 A resolution affirming the biological difference between the sexes
HB 1198 A bill to eliminate fees for concealed carry permit holders
HB 1230 A bill to allow trained school officials to have firearms on campus
HB 1176 A bill to make voter ID mandatory
HB 932 A bill to end a 45-day Election Season and reduce it to 14
HB 1206 A bill to prohibit sexually explicit materials in libraries
HB 1180 A bill to create a tax credit for home educators
These bills reflect what you and I believe. We believe that life should be protected, that children should be safe from pornographic materials in school libraries, that our 2A rights should be protected, and that we need election reform in Virginia. With the Democrats in control, they are stopping us from comprehensively achieving our legislative goals, but this will not stop me from fighting! We must win a majority in the Virginia House in 2025 and we MUST keep talking about these critical issues. If we are silent, future generations will judge our silence.
That is why I’m running to continue as your representative to the House of Delegates from the 51st District, representing Bedford, Campbell and Pittsylvania counties. In June of 2025 there will be a primary to select your Republican nominee for the House of Delegates.
If you are happy with the direction of our state, I’m not your candidate. But if you’re looking for a Fighter, Not a Follower, to champion your values in Richmond and to fight back against those who would take your freedoms, I ask for your vote and support.
I am grateful for your prayers and support.
P.S. You can also view all my 2024 legislation here: https://virginiageneralassembly.gov/house/members/members.php?id=H0383
2025 Endorsements
Law Enforcement
Whit Clark, Campbell County Sheriff
Mike Miller, Bedford County Sheriff
Mike Taylor, Pittsylvania County Sheriff
Board of Supervisors
Tim Dudley, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Matt Cline, Campbell County Board of Supervisors (Concord District)
Justin Carwile, Campbell County Board of Supervisors, Vice-Chairman (Timberlake District)
Paul Dowdy, Campbell County Board of Supervisors (Sunburst District)​
Tom Lawton, Campbell County Board of Supervisors (Altavista District)
Bob Davis, Bedford County Board of Supervisors (District 6)
John Sharp, Bedford County Board of Supervisors (District 4)
Tommy Scott, Bedford County Board of Supervisors (District 5)
Mickey Johnson, Bedford County Board of Supervisors (District 1)
Charla Bansley, Bedford County Board of Supervisors (District 3)
Edgar Tuck, Bedford County Board of Supervisors (District 2)
Tammy Parker, Bedford County Board of Supervisor (District 7)
Other Elected Officials (former and current)
Winsome Earle-Sears, Lieutenant Governor
Wes Nance, Bedford County Commonwealth’s Attorney
Jeff Helgeson, former Lynchburg City Councilman & former Zone Vice-Chairman of the 5th
District Republican Committee
Nick Freitas, Virginia House of Delegates (62nd)
Todd Gilbert, Virginia House of Delegates (33rd)
Mark Peake, Senate of Virginia (8th)

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VA House District 51

A Fighter, not a Follower
Fighting for
Energy Independence
Making sure Virginia remains a leader in energy independence, while ensuring that California's Green "Raw Deal" policies remain in California.
Bob Good's Endorsement of Eric Zehr
In his statement endorsing Zehr, Rep. Good said,
I am proud to enthusiastically endorse my good friend, Eric Zehr, for the Republican nomination for the 51st District House of Delegates seat. Eric and I served together on the Campbell County Board of Supervisors, and he has consistently demonstrated that he is a principled and courageous conservative warrior. Eric is a true patriot, who will bring the fight to Richmond for limited government, lower taxes, the sanctity of life, our 2nd Amendment rights, and our nation's founding principles. Please join me in supporting Eric Zehr for the House of Delegates! (2022 Endorsement Statement)
Paid for and authorized by Zehr for Virginia